Wednesday, January 15, 2014

9 months!!

My little man is growing up way too fast!!  Well kinda...his stats may not show that he is getting big but momma sure thinks he is!!

Here are some fun Hazen 9 month facts!!
-He can crawl backwards and in circles now!
-Says "dada" and "baba" (bottle)
-Laughs at EVERYTHING especially daddy and Cooper
-Loves tapping his left foot, in the car seat, in the high chair, etc
-He has now mastered shoving 4-5 puffs at at time in his mouth and that is the only way to eat them!
-Hungry boy eats 4 cans of baby food a day!
-Loves going on walks, swinging, playing with his taggies and Sophie
-Stands at his music table all on his own
-We've had to stop letting him sit on our bed in the morning because he tries to crawl off
-He'll smile and strangers and won't quit looking at them until they smile back then pretends to be shy
-Sleeping on his stomach is the only way he sleeps now
-Grabs at everything!!
16 pounds 7 ounces (6th percentile)
27.75 inches (18th percentile)
18.5 inches head (90th percentile) Got to have somewhere to store all that intelligence!

 Surprised Grandma at work!
Mornings are so much fun in our house!

 Music Man!

Cool dude!  Just like dad!

Bath time is becoming quite entertaining for the bather and the bath giver!

30 years that went by way too fast!!

My amazing husband through me a birthday party to celebrate turning 30!!  I can't believe I'm saying that out loud.  It doesn't seem real and seeing it in black and white is just crazy!  Year 29 was the best year of my life with the birth of Hazen Eli and I'm so excited to see what the next 30 years are going to bring.  I am blessed beyond words to have my amazing husband, our beautiful son, and or wonderful family and friends.  God is indeed good and I am so thankful to live this amazing life!!

Hazen sacked out before the party was done!

Cole did such a great job on the decorations!  Even used my favorite colors!

The best birthday gift!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


We took off over Memorial Day for a repeat of the fun trip Cole and I had in Denver a few years back.   Even better now that we got to share it with Hazen and The Barlows.

Harper, Hazen, Cole, and I left around 1 am and headed to Garden City.  We stopped to eat breakfast at the Wheatlands home of the most amazing french toast I've ever eaten!  When my sister and Richard lived in Garden City that was always a stop we had to make before leaving town.  It was well worth getting up early to enjoy that yummy goodness!

Then we hit the road again and arrived in Denver a little after lunch and took Harper and Hazen swimming.  This was Hazen's first experience in a swimming pool.  He kind of liked it.  Basically he was quiet about it at first but then decided he wasn't that in to it.

We met up with the rest of the Barlows that night.  We took off for downtown Denver to hit the American Girl store, the Lego store and of course Crate and Barrel and H&M.  It was a fun relaxing day before going back to Boulder to eat yummy Mexican food on Pearl Street.
Sunday we woke up early and headed to Estes Park.  We underestimated how unbelievably cold it would be but luckily once we got to hiking we warmed up quickly.

June 2010
June 2013

 We went all the way to Cub Lake. Cole and I had been there the last time we were in Denver and it was just as pretty as it had been last time.  We then headed back down to do some shopping at Estes Park before heading back to Boulder.  Definitely some great memories and lots of hilarious stories from Hazen pooping in the Barlow's car to an emergency diaper stop at the grocery store where a diaper exchange still brings us lots of laughs.

June 2010

My First Mother's Day

Cole made my first Mother's Day so special!  I woke up to the song "Mama Knows" blaring on the radio and came in to the dining room with my precious little man sitting in his bumbo with a perfect painted flower pot with his little hands on it that daddy helped him with.  Also, I got a subscription to BirchBox!  It was the perfect way to celebrate the greatest accomplishment I have ever known, becoming a mother!  Thank you Hazen Cole and Hazen Eli!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

8 months!

At 8 months our little man is a pro at sitting up!  He loves playing in his bouncer and can actually bounce himself pretty high in it.  To be such a tiny man he certainly loves to eat.  He eats tons of baby food and loves it, vegetables and all!  He has even started feeding himself puffs.  We is really liking the sippy cup and he is doing pretty well with it as long as we only put water in it.  Finally he can drink out of a straw! He thinks he's pretty big stuff drinking out of a straw like mom and dad.  He loves chewing on his feet and rolling all over the place.  Along with Sophie, his favorite toy is his orange ball that he loves to hold and shake.

 Best buds!

 BOOKS!  BOOKS!  BOOKS!  This kid LOVES books!!!